Reading List
My clients have told me that the books I recommend during coaching sessions have been a huge impetus for change in their lives.
Here's a taste of what's on my shelf.
If you click on any image, it'll take you right to Amazon (as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases), but I suggest you find a local bookstore in your area to support or use the library!
Let me know your favorites, too?
Below are books that have helped me and my clients throughout the years! Message me if you'd like a specific recommendation. I've broken them down into categories.
Happiness and fulfillment:

Creativity and Curiosity:

Setting and achieving goals:

Beyond Limits:

Coaching and Therapy Tools:

Make more money :

Improve your relationships:

Saying No (So you can say YES!):

Brené All Day:


Writing and Podcasting


Fiction (because you gotta have fun and relax!)

Happiness and fulfillment:
Creativity and Curiosity:
Setting and achieving goals:
Beyond Limits:
Coaching and Therapy Tools:
Make more money :
Improve your relationships:
Saying No (So you can say YES!):
Brené All Day:
Writing and Podcasting
Fiction (because you gotta have fun and relax!)